Here follows an ever growing collection of songs and lyrics (and links to the aforesaid) that may be of interest to Ursulans, and to others. This will hopefully come to include songs of a Period Nature, as well as Lighter Diversions, such as Filks. Should you have something to submit, whether in the form of a link you have found, a song you have heard, or dare I say it, a song you have written – email the Chronicler.
St Ursula does not claim copyright over these lyrics, and these are written up purely to help spread a wider knowledge base – and a wider vocabulary of songs around the fire – but should you wish for one of these to be removed, again, email the Chronicler.
Here are some links to songbooks. More can be found on the Links page.
- Ursulan Songbook – Bethan of Brockwood
- Rowany XL Songbook – Bethan of Brockwood
- The Known Words – Baron Karl Faustus von Aachen/Fruitbat
- The Lochac Songbook – A very old songbook published by Master Dafydd of the Glens