Welcome to the home page of the College of Saint Ursula, within the boundaries of the Barony of Rowany, in the Kingdom of Lochac. Mundanely, St Ursula is the Sydney University Chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, situated in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.


  • Most of our communication is done via our Facebook page, which you can find here: College of St Ursula.
  • Fighter practice for both rapier and full-contact armoured fighting is being held weekly in the central hall of the Addison Road Community Organisation in Marrickville on Monday nights at 7pm.
  • Our weekly Arts and Sciences gatherings and classes take place every week at the University of Sydney Holme building on Wednesday nights at 5pm. We’re currently in the process of booking rooms, so we’ll let you know which room and if there are any changes as soon as we can on our social media pages!
  • Our Instagram Page: College of St Ursula